Olympically - Pierre de Coubertin break with physical education mens sana in corpore sano to citius altius fortius


  • Gustavo Pires Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Author


Coubertin, Olympic Movement, Physical Education.


In the logic of Hellenic culture and motivated by the educational experiences of English public schools, Pierre de Coubertin, in 1894, started the institutionalization of the modern Olympic Movement establishing an ideological rupture with physical education and the various gymnastic systems that, at the time, punctuated in Europe. What fundamentally pulled away Coubertin from the proselytes of physical education was the idea of fair, noble and loyal competition as an instrument of education and culture developed on a global scale. For Coubertin, sport should establish an epistemological break with the static concept of Juvenal eurhythmics to assume a dynamic perspective that, in the dialectic of balances and imbalances should generate development and progress. In such perspective, Coubertin was a winner because, at the end of 120 years, the Olympic Project has proven to be one of the greatest achievements of mankind.


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Author Biography

  • Gustavo Pires, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
    Faculdade de Motricidade Humana



How to Cite

Olympically - Pierre de Coubertin break with physical education mens sana in corpore sano to citius altius fortius. (2015). Materiales Para La Historia Del Deporte, 122-157. https://polired.upm.es/index.php/materiales_historia_deporte/article/view/4280

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