Hellison's TPSR Model in Physical Education, an analysis of an experience in a secondary school in Rome


  • María Mercedes Palandri Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Author




TPSR, physical education, vocational institution, physical-sports activities, teenager


The aim of the research is to evaluate the impact of an eight-week physical-sports program, based on Hellison's Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) Model, in a group of 38 students, aged between 14 and 16, belonging to two first classes of a vocational institution, located in two different areas of the Rome’s city.

The students attending the vocational institution, generally, come from different districts of the city and from the provinces of the Lazio region. Among them, a high number of pupils are foreigners and have special educational needs.

A context, therefore, with multicultural and multiethnic users that leads to come face to different realities and cultures that are not always easy to manage by teachers, who seek teaching strategies and methodologies that foster student’s participation, collaboration, awareness, and serene learning environments.

The physical and sports project presented, was implemented within curricular hours of PE, with the intention to working on values to be experienced through physical and sports activities (Pardo and García-Arjona 2013).

Hellison's TPSR Model (2003, 2011) was employed to develop this project. Model that suggests the methodology and different strategies to working on values such as respect, participation, effort, self­control, self-esteem, leadership, through sport activities. Originally the model was carried out with disadvantaged young people, a later time was implemented in school contexts to improve students' personal and social responsibility (Pozo et al. 2016).

The relevance of this research is based on that currently there aren’t essay on TPSR published in Italian.Essential is the analysis conducted by Prof. Pardo García (2008) for his doctoral thesis, in which he compares the impact of the TPSR model on a population of young people, in three different geographical contexts including Italy, and in the Italian case attended a vocational school.

The methodology followed out was qualitative method. The data was achieved by tools such as the questionnaire and the diary drawn up by the students and by the teacher-researcher, to collect observations and impressions of the activities carried out.


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2024-12-15 — Updated on 2025-01-14





How to Cite

Hellison’s TPSR Model in Physical Education, an analysis of an experience in a secondary school in Rome. (2025). Materiales Para La Historia Del Deporte, 28, 74-99. https://doi.org/10.20868/mhd.2024.28.5265 (Original work published 2024)