Olympism between the Olympic Games of the Antiquity and the coubertinian Restoration


  • Fernando Arrechea Rivas Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia Author
  • Antonio Sánchez Pato Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia Author
  • Juan Manuel Molina Morote Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia Author


olympism, Olympic Games, history, sport.


In this article, we conducted a historiographical study on the phenomenon of Olympism centered on the historical period that covers from the theoretical disappearance the Olympic Games of Antiquity (392) to the celebration of the first Olympic Games of the Modern Era (1896). In the first place, we analyze the historical fact that supposedly meant the decline of the Olympic Games, with the Edict of Theodosius, and the main causes of its disappearance. Then, with the suspicion that Olympism did not die then, we make a historical tour through the various attempts to restore the Olympic Games, located spatially and temporally in its historical referent. Finally, after the historical analysis carried out, we concluded that the Olympic Games of antiquity did not cease with the Edict of Theodosius I, and that they remained very alive in different versions, making possible, from a historiographical point of view, that the legacy of classical Greek Olympism Do not fade, to revive which Ave Phoenix and end up shaping the greatest show in the world.


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Sección de historia

How to Cite

Olympism between the Olympic Games of the Antiquity and the coubertinian Restoration. (2019). Materiales Para La Historia Del Deporte, 18, 105-114. https://polired.upm.es/index.php/materiales_historia_deporte/article/view/4210