Les Sportifs de l'Ovalie and the Importance of the French influence in the process of incorporation and implantation of rugby in Catalonia (1911-1923)
Catalan rugby, origins, institutionalization, implantation, France.Abstract
The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of French influence in the cultural transmission and implantation of rugby in Catalonia, and to assess the role played by French expatriates, together with some young locals who had lived in France, in the process of expansion and development of Rugby in Barcelona. After the first pre-Union matches and competitions, in which the French community had a decisive influence, and within a context of associative effervescence, the institutionalization of this sport was the next natural step. Consequently, Spanish Rugby Union was established in Barcelona in 1922, later followed, in 1923, by Catalan Rugby Football Union.
The research was based on analysis of the specialized press of the time and has been complemented with an exhaustive review of the documentation of public and private archives, such as that of the former Gobierno Civil de Barcelona, the archive of the Unió Esportiva Santboiana, and the Futbol Club Barcelona.
The results of the research show how this case of indirect sportification, together with the prominence taken by the Unió Esportiva Santboiana –the oldest rugby club in Spain– brought out the latent state in which the oval sport was in the Barcelona, inspiring the formation of several clubs in a very short period with an indisputable French presence. This fact coincides with the introduction and growth of rugby in other countries in southern Europe.
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