Values of Olympic Movement in physical education: its content and presence in high school in Spain


  • María Teresa Calle-Molina Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Author
  • Mª Eugenia Martínez-Gorroño Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Author


values, Olympic Fundamental Principles, Pphysical education, Olympic Movement.


The aim of this toil has been meeting and identifying the values in the Olympic ideology and its presence in Spanish schools. Its beginning came from the identification of the present values in the Olympic ideology making a review of the data related with this content from the genesis of the olympisim to the 2007 Olympic Letter. After making a categorization we started to know which values were present or not in the Spanish curriculum of the Mandatory Secondary Education (ESO) in the Spanish physical education. From the point of view of a perspective on a qualitative research, we started a documental analysis of sources that inside the Olympic Movement had as aim of study the values. The presence of them in the Spanish schools was treated from the curriculum of E.S.O. of the physical education of Real Decreto 1631 of 2006 and the educational projects of the centers. Many interviews were made to teachers, in order to know the thoughts and aims of those protagonist who teach Physical education subject. It can be concluded that there are two proposed values in the olympic ideology that have been being developed in the studied Spanish schools: fair play and respect to the others.


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Author Biographies

  • María Teresa Calle-Molina, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
    Departamento de Educación Física, Deporte y Motricidad Humana
  • Mª Eugenia Martínez-Gorroño, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
    Departamento de Educación Física, Deporte y Motricidad Humana


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How to Cite

Values of Olympic Movement in physical education: its content and presence in high school in Spain. (2015). Materiales Para La Historia Del Deporte, 357-363.