Olympic education: interdisciplinar proposal in compulsory secondary Education
Olympic Education, Olympics values, education program, interdisciplinary project, basic skills.Abstract
Our aim is to bring the core values of Olympism to the high school (ESO) students. And we wanted to do it in an interdisciplinary way. That is, the activities undertaken will be diverse, working in teams and promoting the participation of all. Students will learn the information referred to Olympism, but they will also develop attitudes of cooperation, empathy, respect for others and fair play, as values of Olympism. We count with many Olympic values when transmitting them to young people in an educational program. Therefore, the different authors who have tried the Olympic education have divided them into groups. But seeing the lack of awareness in the number and the name, we present a new and original proposal. First, we need to turn our proposal into a pedagogical resource. We need it to be a single term for basic groups of values of Olympism. We will call it Olympic areas. The areas are not values, but represent a set of Olympic values that have some characteristics in common. Second, the Olympic areas will be five. And third, the names of the fields of the Olympics values will be: information, excellence, balance, air play and multiculturalism. This model of areas and under and imaginative approach to teaching Olympic values, we have represented it graphically by the diagrams of Venn. Our proposal has a dual function: the role of organizational Olympic values to classify them better; and pedagogical function, allowing us to relate the Olympics values with the elements of the secondary curriculum. In this work, we found that any educational program which promotes the Olympic values in the stage of ESO, is in consonance with Spanish educational legislation.
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