Women in management positions in Olympic Movement


  • José Antonio Fernández Luque Universidad Pablo de Olavide


sports history, Olympics, women, management.


The woman’s incorporation inside of the sports world, after a strong fight for the search to equality(of sexs),has bring the need of womens existence in all the branchsof sport spheres, for example to main sport institutions position that are in charge of this organization, competitions or regulations. Chiefly in the biggest sport organization like it’s C.O.I. ( International Olympian Committee),the woman has started to fit in with since 1981 follow a line until these days, where the progress it’s even so far to get his goal: the mans and womans equality. In the same way or with a little more delay inside of C.O.N.’S, the C.O.I. had try to spread out this initiative recommending different percentages of female presence inside of this authorities for some years. In this communication has made an studio of a different allocation of both sexs inside C.O.I. and C.O.E. (Spanish Olympian Committe) to find between of boths his differences and equalities respect to female representation in his organization and in a thoughfull way to his directive and ejecutive charges, to know how find the women join, it’s hopping to get some objetiv conclusions of this studio about the current female representation inside these institutions and his future.


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How to Cite

Women in management positions in Olympic Movement. (2015). Materiales Para La Historia Del Deporte, 220-227. https://polired.upm.es/index.php/materiales_historia_deporte/article/view/4285