Cycling pioneers in Andalusia. José Morgado (1925-1930)


  • Carmen Morgado Barroso Club Náutico de Sevilla Author


cycling, sport history, Seville, Iberan-American Exhibition.


In recent years, he has been studying the great events and characters in the history of everyday people as a group have formed a social history of the time. In that sense, this study, which involves analyzing the origins of cycling in Andalusia in the early twentieth century, through its early practitioners and in this case, by what has been discovered in one of its pioneers falls José Morgado Navarro (1892-1962), one of Malaga settled in Seville, which was the beginning of a long list of Seville athletes who have represented the beginnings of sport in this city in various sports such as cycling, running and canoeing. From the first exploits of athletes he has emerged as the current Andalusian cycling and therefore are part of the beginning of our sporting history. It also intends to investigate the role of the Organizing Committee of the 1929 Ibero-American Exposition in Seville took in those early Andalusian cycling.


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How to Cite

Cycling pioneers in Andalusia. José Morgado (1925-1930). (2016). Materiales Para La Historia Del Deporte, 14, 57-76.