Body concepts present in Iliad an Odyssey


  • Corrêa Cahuane Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Marcelo Moraes e Silva Universidade Federal do Paraná


Homer, body, warrior, athlete.


This article aims to analyze "Iliad" and "Odyssey" by Homer. For that, were used the versions translated in form of verse by Carlos Alberto Nunes, published by Editora Nova Fronteira in 2015. The study aimed to identify the different body conceptions present in the writings, as well as which are the most valued bodies and the most stigmatized. Therefore, the following bodies were identified and analyzed: warrior, old man, woman, slave, beggar and athlete. The investigations conclude that the body of the warrior receives a greater prestige, due to the style of life in which it was inserted, a society with constant wars. Subsequently, the body of the athlete is that reaches the level of prominence, due to the fact of having the same qualities of the warrior, but uses them with rationality. The sovereignty is imposed from the athletic clash, without there being a warlike conflict, which guarantees thesurvival.


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Author Biography

  • Corrêa Cahuane, Universidade Federal do Paraná


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Sección de historia

How to Cite

Body concepts present in Iliad an Odyssey. (2019). Materiales Para La Historia Del Deporte, 18, 16-28.

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