School championships in Spain: a brief historical summary


  • Antonio Rivero Herráiz Universidad Europea de Madrid Author
  • Gabriel Rodríguez Romo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Author


sport, physical education, school, championships, evolution.


The objective of this work is to realise a brief historical analysis of the scholastic sport championships in Spain from its beginnings in 1948, as well as of their later evolution in more recent stages. In this sense, two have been the factors that have had a decisive influence in the development and the organization of the scholastic sport championships in Spain: the regulating laws of the Physical education and the dilemma between the organization of a sport for students or a sport for children in scholastic age.

This study also it is come off that the implantation of a good sport facilities plan is essential for the suitable development of the activity and, at the same time, that the implication of the scholastic centres is the most effective strategy to reach the wished objectives of motivation and participation of children and young people.


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How to Cite

School championships in Spain: a brief historical summary. (2009). Materiales Para La Historia Del Deporte, 7, 23-34.