Approach to the spanish university sport, from its beginnings to its current organization


  • Miguel Ángel Morales Cevidanes Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla Author


university sports, competition, education, sport history.


In this article we have tried to approach the history of university sport in Spain, understood as a competition, where it unintentionally took on a role years later, recognized by the direct involvement he had in the restoration of the Olympic Games.
As some authors point out in other contexts, it is identified that the advance of sports in Spanish universities was linked to industrial development, social and cultural that was emerging with the modernization of our country until, there was a fruit of war retreat 1936. From that moment would be the state that directed university sport through the SEU. A constant concern has been present in those leaders for university sport in finding the appropriate structure for the emerging sporting activities that arose. It has also sought to identify those changes for significant and be associated with the legislation that established political and social context, has marked a particular legislation development at various times of the twentieth century and has been conditioning their structure down to our days.


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How to Cite

Approach to the spanish university sport, from its beginnings to its current organization. (2010). Materiales Para La Historia Del Deporte, 8, 83-92.