Evolution of the swimming competition in the province of Mendoza (Argentina), from 1950 to the year 2000
swimming, competition, records, evolution.Abstract
The investigation that we carried out sustains in an exploratory and descriptive study. The type of design of the investigation is non experimental retrospective because the variables are not manipulated and data of the past look for. A population of N=40 conformed by 28 swimmers, 8 trainers and 4 leaders of different times was evaluated, with a survey to collect data of the origins and evolution of the swimming of competition in Mendoza. Also evolution of the records of the tests of 100 meters in the four styles, the 400 was evaluated, 800 and 1500 meters free both sexes in sink of 25 and 50 meters. One considered the Selected amount of participant clubs, swimmers with national license in the different years and nominations for National in the different decades. One did not obtain statistically significant differences between the evolution of the records realised in sink of 25 with the one of 50 meters. It was verified that the amount of participant clubs in the matches fell as much from 1950 to year 200 like the one of federal swimmers. The study reveals to us that the competitive level of the swimmers and has elevated by the increase in the Selected nominations in National.
As conclusion we obtained that possibly these obtained values must to the evolution in the techniques of I swim and the methods of training, question that can be used for next studies and that, at least in this case, the amount of sportsmen is not directly proportional to the sport profits.
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