Leisure practices in the society goiana (1906–1920)


  • Thamara Cardoso Jacob Faculdade de Educação Física – Uinversidade Federal de Goias (FEF/ UFG)


history, leisure, Goiás.


Located in the heart of Brazil, the state of Goiás, was marked by economic backwardness due to distance and difficult access. So it was consolidating the cultural figure of the old, the backwoodsman, the farmer when compared to other regions of the country. Few is known about the activities of leisure and entertainment in the region in the early twentieth century.
Given the above, this paper aims to present the leisure practices commonly practiced in Goiás, in the early years of the twentieth century. For this we made a time frame that extends between the years 1906 and 1920. A survey was conducted in the collections of the State Historical Archive of Goiás It appears that there was diversification of activities, the main theatrical attractions, cinemas presentations, social parties and presentation of music in the city.


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How to Cite

Leisure practices in the society goiana (1906–1920). (2014). Materiales Para La Historia Del Deporte, 12, 63-70. https://polired.upm.es/index.php/materiales_historia_deporte/article/view/4129