The physical education during the military dictatorship in Brazil: teacher voices


  • Sheila Aparecida Pereira dos Santos Silva Universidade São Judas Tadeu, Mooca-São Paulo Author
  • Wesley Batista Araújo Diretor de escola. Universidade São Judas Tadeu - São Paulo, Brasil Author


school physical education, teachers, military dictatorship.


Faced with a story told by the literature, which conceives physical education (PE) in different historical moments as leading in state plans and the ruling class in designing envisioned society, set out to investigate the nuances of this story that often disregards teachers PE as agents of the construction process of this area of knowledge. The deterministic how this literature addresses the period in question, as the mode of production were able to determine all the actions of those individuals, framing them in a cause-effect system where the little guy can control the direction of his acts in It led to erect a hypothesis grounded in educational experiences of teachers, ie, EF, as a professional area consisting of various social actors, was approaching, and at the same time, away from the state vision. Their positions were determined not solely on the strength of an authoritarian government, but also by individual perspective of teachers by change of School Physical Education scenario (SPE). Therefore, to achieve the aim of this study we followed the methodology proposed by the historian Paul Thompson, oral history, anchoring our analysis on the concept of Edward P. Thompson experience. We conclude that, although the sports content have been reported as hegemonic in the period, do not attribute it solely to the government and the ruling class in order to instil the values that mattered. Although we assume the ideological shares in the period, we understand that there was a joint venture between various stakeholders, including the teachers as subjects of their actions, and actively contributed to the SPE consolidation process in Brazil.


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How to Cite

The physical education during the military dictatorship in Brazil: teacher voices. (2016). Materiales Para La Historia Del Deporte, 14, 19-36.

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