Sport in Segorbe after the Civil War trough spanish youth organizations


  • Estefanía Sales Borras Universidad de Valencia
  • Vicente Añó Universidad de Valencia


Sport, physical practice, Civil War, Franco regime, youth organizations.


One of the biggest hardships that hit and devastated the lives of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), who left behind a country in poverty and a general collapse of the economic, social, cultural and sports woof during the early twentieth century. The end of the war and the imposition of the Franco regime represented a social reorganization from which controlled each of the movements that made the Spaniards. It is at this point that emerged Youth Front organizations for boys and Women's Section for girls, from which it was intended to train and indoctrinate the youth in the ideals of the regime. At that time, sports activities were again driven hard into Spanish life, behaved as one of the formative aspects and raised interest from the various youth organizations.


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How to Cite

Sport in Segorbe after the Civil War trough spanish youth organizations. (2017). Materiales Para La Historia Del Deporte, 15, 57-78.