Diagnosis of the sustainability of the performance of educational centres and development of tools to increase the competences of the educational community


  • José Alberto Díaz CIEMAT
  • Ricardo Chacartegui Universidad de Sevilla
  • Israel Marqués-Valderrama Universidad de Sevilla
  • Yolanda Lechón CIEMAT
  • Carmen Lago CIEMAT
  • Ana Rosa Gamarra CIEMAT
  • María Nuria Sánchez CIEMAT
  • Emanuela Giancola CIEMAT
  • Silvia Soutullo CIEMAT
  • Jose Antonio Becerra Universidad de Sevilla




The ECF4CLIM project co-designs, tests and validates a European competence framework for the education community to drive the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy, involving schools from different European countries. In this context, the energy and environmental performance of each school is analysed. This diagnosis is being carried out through audits and analysis tools. The audits are based on the collection of relevant documentation, visits and surveys in the different educational centres, characterising the construction of the buildings, energy and water consumption and other environmental parameters. The IT tools allow calculating the environmental footprint, identifying climate-adapted retrofitting strategies and assessing sustainability interventions. The combined application of both tools provides the most appropriate guidelines to be implemented in each centre to optimise its performance.


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How to Cite

Diagnosis of the sustainability of the performance of educational centres and development of tools to increase the competences of the educational community. (2025). Anales De Edificación, 10(1), 6-16. https://doi.org/10.20868/ade.2025.5383