Guidelines for Authors

Anales de Edificación is an “Open Access” online publication. Articles will be published in PDF format, and will be available free of charge to readers immediately after online publication, without any restriction at the following email address:

Submission of manuscripts for evaluation and approval

Manuscripts should preferably be written in Spanish or English. Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed first from a linguistic point of view. Manuscripts with a poor quality level in this aspect will be returned without being evaluated. Submission of a manuscript implies that all co-authors have approved and accepted the content of the submitted text, tables, graphical material and any other supplementary material provided. The contact author will be responsible for ensuring that all co-authors have correct information about the submitted manuscript. All submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter or a text that clearly indicates the original and unpublished nature of the content of the manuscript, and that it has not been sent simultaneously to another publication for assessment. Anales de Edificación subjects all manuscripts received to an originality verification process offered by Turnitin, LLC.

Preparation of manuscripts

To assist authors in the preparation of their manuscripts, an “author’s template” can be downloaded at:

  • Submission and acceptance: Papers submitted for publication in Anales de Edificación must meet the requirements set out below. Non-compliant manuscripts will be returned.
  • Originals: All originals received will be reviewed by two referees in accord­ance with criteria of scientific quality. Final decisions on the publication of manuscripts will be made by the Editorial Board based on the referee’s evaluations. Journal reviewing is double-blinded. Referee’s suggestions will be forwarded to the authors for amendment of their papers as appropriate. Only original manuscripts not previously be published in other journals will be accepted.
  • Article structure: The paper should be divided into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be also numbered. Any section or subsection may be given a brief heading. Each article should consist of the following sections:
  1. Title: Paper titles should be explicit and precise and clearly reflect their content. They should be followed by the author´s(s’) name(s), surname(s), position(s), affiliation(s) as appropriate and date of submission and contact author email.
  2. Abstract: Articles are to be preceded by an abstract in English and Spanish (maximum 300 words in each language), clearly indicating objectives, approach and conclusions.
  3. Between 4 to 7 keywords may be listed to define what the content of the paper is about.
  4. Wording and Presentation: The text should be worded as clearly and concisely as possible. Authors must submit their manuscripts in English or Spanish to the following e-mail address: You may choose to submit your manuscript as a single file to be used in the refereeing process both in PDF and Word document.
  5. References: References should be limited to publications directly related to the paper submitted. Lengthy comments on the publications cited should be avoided. References are to be cited in the text according to the APA (American Psychological Association), and listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order. Entries should use the following format:

Reference Type

In Reference List

In-Text Citation 

Book: 1 Author

Batavia, M. (2006). Contraindications in physical rehabilitation: Doing no harm. St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

(Batavia, 2006)

Book: 3 to 6 Authors

Hoskins, C. N., Haber, J., & Budin, W. C. (2001). Breast cancer: Journey to recovery. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

(Hoskins, Haber, & Budin, 2001) first citation

(Hoskins et al., 2001) subsequent citations

Book: Editor, Translator, or Compiler (instead of author)

Mezey, M. D. (Ed.). (2001). The encyclopedia of elder care: The comprehensive resource on geriatric and social care. New York: Springer Publishing Company. 

(Mezey, 2001)

Book: Chapter, Introduction, Preface, Foreword, Afterword, Encyclopedia Entry

Mitty, E. L. (2001). Assisted living. In M. D. Mezey (Ed.), The encyclopedia of elder care: The comprehensive resource on geriatric and social care (pp. 73-75). New York: Springer Publishing Company. 

(Mitty, 2001)

Journal Article, 1 Author

Rosenfeld, P. (2005). Women in green: The contributions of Hadassah nursing to immigrant and refugee health in pre-state and the early years of the State of Israel.Nursing History Review, 13, 101-119. 

(Rosenfeld, 2005)

Journal Article, 2 Authors

Collard, S., & Tempelman-Kluit, N. (2006). The other way in: Goal-based library content through CMS. Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 11(4), 55-68.


(Collard & Tempelman-Kluit, 2006)

Journal Article, 3-7 Authors

Jacobs, J., Kahana, M. J., Ekstrom, A. D., & Fried, I. (2007). Brain oscillations control timing of single-neuron activity in humans. The Journal of Neuroscience,27(14), 3839-3844.

(Jacobs, Kahana, Ekstrom, & Fried, 2007) first citation

(Jacobs et al., 2007) subsequent citations

Popular Magazine Article

Hertzberg, H. (2008, December). Eight is enough. The New Yorker, 84(39), 27.

(Hertzberg, 2008)

Newspaper Article, 1 author

Rich, F. (2008, November 9). It still felt good the morning after.The New York Times, p. WK9. 

(Rich, 2008)

Newspaper Article, no author

If you were stranded on an island. (2008, September 30). TheNew York Times, p. F5. 

("If you were stranded," 2008)

ERIC document

McNulty, T. (Ed.). (1999). Accessible libraries on campus: A practical guide for the creation of disability-friendly libraries. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries. (ED433805)

(McNulty, 1999)

Book Review

Zbar, R. I. S. (1995). Autobiography of a face [Review of the book Autobiography of a face, by L. Grealy]. The New England Journal of Medicine, 333(14), 949. 

(Zbar, 1995)

Thesis or Dissertation

Kitzmiller, E. M. (2012). The roots of educational inequality: Germantown high school, 1907--2011. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 

(Kitzmiller, 2012)

Conference or Meeting Paper

Peters, H. M. (2002). Milton S. Hershey - one of a kind, founder of the Hershey Chocolate Company. Abstracts of papers of the American Chemical Society, 223, U367.

(Peters, 2002)

Audiovisual Materials

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation (Producer), & Wise, R. (Director). (2000). The sound of music [Motion Picture]. USA: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. 

(Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation & Wise, 2000)

  1. Tables, figures and photographs. Tables and figures should be included with restraint. Each graph or figure must be numbered and cited in the text accordingly. The approximate position for figures in the text should be specified. Only photographs that are genuinely useful, reproductively clear and representative should be submitted. Figures and photographs must be provided in TIFF of JPEG format. Graphs will be presented in vector files (EPS or vector PDF) or TIFF format. Tables in Word or Excel. The photographs and figures must be designed so that they are visible when adjusting to the format of 8,8 cm (width of 2 columns) presenting a good contrast so that they do not lose quality with the reduction, to a minimum resolution of 300 pixels per inch (ppp). Tables, figures and photographs that do not belong to the author must cite the sources.

Tabla de resoluciones de imágenes y documentos escaneados



Resolución final




300 ppp



Escala de grises

300 ppp


Dibujo lineal en blanco y negro


900-1200 ppp


  1. Mathematical expressions and formulas: Must be inserted in the manuscript and in no case embedded as images. Maximum clarity and legibility should be pursued, using the notation that takes up the least possible space. Formulas are to be numbered in the text between square brackets in correlative order as cited.


All submissions must meet the following requirements

  • The submission has not previously been published nor has it previously been sent to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor).
  • Submitted files are in Microsoft Word and PDF format.
  • The manuscript has been written using the template available on the journal's website and following the author’s guidelines.
  • The authorship forma available at the journal’s website ( has been filled and signed and sent together with the paper to:
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors.