"Aqualigmun", experimental characterisation of hygromorphic systems.


  • Sergio González-Rodríguez Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.




hygromorphic, characterization, responsive, integration, moisture


This experimental research work has focused on wooden veneers and their hygroscopic capacity. A facade measurement system has been developed based on wooden veneers and their bending ability across three species (beech, oak, and mahogany) when exposed to identical hygrothermal cycles. Under the hypothesis of potential curvature regulation, the sampling definition has revealed that the parameters 'Wood type,' 'thickness,' and 'Water vapor incidence' are the variables responsible for the responsive differentiation of the different samples, as well as the presence or absence of protective coatings. Subsequently, based on the results obtained, it has been concluded that there are responses that allow highlighting the good behavior of the beech wood veneer compared to the other species, as well as the ineffectiveness of applying coatings.


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How to Cite

"Aqualigmun", experimental characterisation of hygromorphic systems. (2024). Anales De Edificación, 9(2), 43-55. https://doi.org/10.20868/ade.2024.5368