Volumetric distribution for the use of solar energy. Case study in Soria, Spain





Solar Energy, shade analysis, architectural design, environmental simulation tools, solar energy


In the field of construction, it is necessary to design buildings taking into account the use of solar energy. Currently, the most commonly used tools in the discipline provide qualitative results based on experimentation and do not consider the testing of multiple options in the design stages. The aim of this work is to facilitate this task and provide an evaluation process based on the detailed comparison of different situations. The proposed methodology consists of 3 stages (i. Present situation, ii. Formulation of alternatives and iii. Comparison of results) and is supported by user-friendly software familiar with the built environment. As a case study, the extension of a light modular structure located in Soria (Spain) was adopted. The study allowed to determine the impact of the shadows generated on the building of interest, which provided new bases for the project authorities to make decisions.


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How to Cite

Volumetric distribution for the use of solar energy. Case study in Soria, Spain. (2024). Anales De Edificación, 9(2), 23-30. https://doi.org/10.20868/ade.2024.5365

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