Study of the mechanical behaviour of hydraulic lime mortars with and without basalt fibres, at different ages
Mortars; hydraulic lime; basalt fibres; compression; bendingAbstract
In the work presented, a study is carried out on the behaviour of hydraulic lime mortars with basalt fibres as a suitable material for use in the rehabilitation of historic structures due to its good properties and its compatibility with the materials traditionally used in construction. After previous studies on the addition of these basalt fibres in different lengths (6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 mm), it was decided to repeat the mechanical tests at long ages (180 days) in order to confirm the suitability of basalt fibres as reinforcement of these hydraulic lime mortars, which proved to have a favourable effect on the mechanical behaviour both at 28 and 180 days, and to conclude that basalt fibres of 12 mm in length continue to be the ones that work best in mechanical tests
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