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Author Guidelines

“En Hormigón” is an open access e-journal published once a year that accepts quality manuscripts about concrete in architectural design, as well as the results of the experimental works developed annually in the workshops “Materia y Espacio” and “Hormigón Concreto”, at the ETSAM.

The journal scope covers the different topics of interest in relation to concrete, from its use in architectural works and projects, experimental prototypes research, reflections on the specific qualities of the material, formwork techniques and materials, history, 3D printing, to any research or experimentation around concrete and its qualities in the architectural project.

The content of the journal is basically organized in two parts. The first contains brief scientific or informative articles, while the second shows the results of the experimental work on concrete developed in the workshops lead by Cátedra Blanca.

The papers presented will be submitted to an initial review by the Editorial Board. The authors of the submitted manuscripts will be informed of the initial acceptance for review or the rejection of their article within one month of receiving it. If their contents are adequate, they will be sent for further review.

The editorial board will assess the interest of the article, its contribution to the knowledge of the subject matter, the novelties provided, the correct relationships established, the critical judgment developed, the structure of the content, the bibliographical references handled, its correct writing, etc., indicating recommendations, if any, for possible improvement. Later it will be decided if the manuscript is finally accepted or rejected. In the case of acceptance of the article, the authors must consider the possible comments, corrections or changes suggested for its final publication.

“En Hormigón” is a printed and online open publication. The articles will be published online in PDF format, and will be available for free to readers immediately after publication online, without any restriction, at the following electronic address:

The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid reserves the right to distribute the complete numbers as an electronic book for its sale, either in PDF format, ePub or in any other electronic possible format, now or in the future, and / or paper format in print on demand. These alternative formats will have identical content and will be subject to the same copyright as the individual articles in the digital edition and will be considered equivalent for all purposes.

Submission of manuscripts for evaluation and approval

All manuscripts will preferably be written in Spanish, although in English are also accepted. Submitted manuscripts will undergo a reviewing process, starting with a linguistic review. Manuscripts with a poor quality in this regard will be returned without evaluation. The submission of a manuscript implies that all co-authors have approved and accepted the content of the submitted text, tables, graphic material and any other complementary material supplied. The corresponding author will be responsible for all the co-authors to correct information about the manuscript.

Submission and acceptance 

All proposed contents will be related to the objectives of the journal and will have to adhere to the rules contained in the following sections. Manuscripts will be sent to the following email address:


“En Hormigón” opens an annual call to receive articles. The announcement of the Call for Papers is made from the website and social media of Cátedra Blanca @catedrablanca.


The title should be concise, informative, meaningful to the whole readership of the journal and will be written in English and Spanish. Format and font size is Garamond 11, bold.

The name and surname of the author(s) and the company, university or research center, e-mail address and ORCID number (if available) will be indicated below.


The articles will include a summary in Spanish and English (between 100 and 150 words) that clearly state the objectives, the approach and conclusions of the research. Format and font size is Garamond 10. Italics for English.


Between 5 and 9 keywords in Spanish and English will be included, separated by commas. Garamond 10.

Wording and presentation

Proposals will be sent to the e-mail address in electronic format. The text will be sent in a file in .doc format, including the images in the desired place.

The main text of the article will have an extension between 1000 and 1500 words. Format and font size is Garamond 10.


References must be limited to those indispensable that are directly related to the article’s content.

Notes and citations will be included at the end of the page using numbers. The list of bibliographical references will be included at the end of the article.

Format and font for all references is Garamond 8. Citations and bibliography will meet the Chicago (full note) style format.

Find some examples:

Citations (quotation marks and cited at the end of page)


1. Nombre Apellidos, Título (Lugar: editorial, año). página

1. Mario Praz, La casa de la vida (Barcelona: Debolsillo, 2004). p.505

Journal articles:

2. Nombre Apellidos, “Título artículo”, Nombre revista número (año): páginas

2. Patrizia Rosazza Ferraris, «La casa museo de Mario Praz en Roma», Goya Revista de Arte 291 (2002): 332-344

A work already cited in the same article:

3. Apellido, Título. Página

3. Praz, La casa de la vida. p.466

Same work previously cited:

4. Ibid. página

Bibliography (end of article):

In alphabetical order

1. Apellidos, Nombre. Título. Lugar: Editorial, año.

1. Praz, Mario. La casa de la vida. Barcelona: Debolsillo, 2004.

2. Apellidos, Nombre. “Título artículo”. Nombre revista número (año): páginas

2. Rosazza Ferraris, Patrizia. «La casa museo de Mario Praz en Roma», Goya Revista de Arte 291 (2002): 332-344

Tables, figures and photographs

The number of tables and figures should be limited by sending only those that are really useful, clear and representative. They will be numbered correlatively according to the quotation in the text and each one will have its caption. They will be placed in the right place of the text.

Each figure will have a caption indicated as follows: Fig.nº. Title of image (including author and year if necessary). In the text figures will be indicated as follows: (Fig.nº). Tables, figures or drawings must be provided in separate files with a resolution not less than 300 dpi (dots per inch) and CMYK.

Mathematical expressions and formulas

Deberán insertarse en el propio Word y en ningún caso incrustado como imagen. Se numerarán entre paréntesis por orden correlativo y cuando se citen en el texto, se realizará de la misma forma y por el mismo orden.

Images should be inserted and not embedded in the document. They will be numbered in parentheses in correlative order. If they are cited in the text, it will be done in the same way and by the same order.


Authors will receive a layout PDF proof that should be reviewed within a maximum period of one week. Modifications of the original text will not be accepted during the proofreading.



Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.