Cuaderno de Notas is an academic research journal of the Architectural Composition Department of ETSAM Architecture School (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), dedicated to issues of Theory and History of Architecture. It publishes contributions requested in an open and public call for papers and submitted to a peer review process, and is aimed at the university community as well as scholars interested in these areas.
Guidelines for authors
For the time being and until the next implementation of the online delivery system, the delivery address is:
Guidelines for the reception of articles
Articles must be original and not previously published in any print or digital media. Papers that are being evaluated simultaneously in another publication medium should not be submitted. Authors are responsible for complying with the previous requirement, as well as for obtaining the necessary permits for the publication of graphic material subject to copyright. With the acceptance of a paper, Cuaderno de Notas acquires the right to its exclusive publication.
Article length and number of images
The maximum length for the main text will be 6.000 words, with a minimum of 3.500 (excluding blanks and caption for pictures, notes and bibliography). For notes, the maximum length will oscillate between 950 and 550, according the extension of the main text.
Captions will be short and accurate, with a maximum of 45 words.
The maximum number of images will be in direct proportion with the text length. While there may be some flexibility depending on the nature of the article, the maximum number of images should be between 25 and 15 for the 6.000 and 3.500 upper and lower words limits.
Article titles will be no longer than 20 words. The title and subtitle schema is recommended.
Texts should be sent in a simple manner, without special codes or layout, carefully observing the following indications:
Main body text font: Arial standard 11pt. Spacing 1.5. Paragraphs separated by a space without indent.
Article title and subtitle: Arial bold 12 pt .
Name of author: below the title, in Arial standard 11pt. (only included after article acceptance)
First level section headings: Arial bold 11 pt.
Second level section headings: Arial italics 11 pt. The various sections would NOT be numbered. Only two levels of section headings are welcome.
Margins:- Top and bottom: 2,5 cm
- Right and left: 3 cm
Text alignment: text left-aligned unjustified. No word division between lines
Page numbering: bottom right of each page
Citation and bibliographic references
Due to its economy and consistency, Cuaderno de Notas follows the Harvard author‑date system. Here we adhere to the EAHN (European Architectural History Network) criteria for the publication of research articles in the area of architectural history.
This system consists of two parts: the text citations, which provides brief identifying information within the text, and the reference list (list of sources used) which provides full bibliographic information.
Text citations consist of the author’s last name and the year of publication of the work cited. No punctuation is used between the name and the date. If necessary, the page or pages numbers of reference are given after the date. Example: (Frampton 2012: 210-211). There must be a reference list entry for each in‑text citation.
Here are some special cases:
Two or more authors (up to three):
(Mailbox, Good and Skull 1965)
More than three authors. Only the first name followed by et alii abbreviated:
(Blotkamp et al. 1990)
Several authors for the same reference:
(Fanelli 1978: 521, Rebel 1984: 80)
If there is more than one reference to the same author and year, insert the suffixes a, b, c, etc., after the year:
(Banham 1955b)
If the author is cited in line with the text, the year reference will appear between parentheses after the name:
Pevsner (1988), Nuttgens (1993) and Roth (1999) have written general manuals of history of architecture.
Chevrons should be used for all direct quotations («[alt+174]…»[alt+175]). Single quotation marks should only be used for quotations within quotations. For example:
«…the frequent mentions to the Zeitgeist and to the ʻessenceʻ of the Century as such» (Schapiro and Craven 1997: 158).
Notes will only be used for complementary aspects to the text. They must not be used as bibliographical references, though they can include them. Notes will be displayed as footnotes in manuscripts, numbered sequentially in the text with superscript numbers placed after the punctuation, if possible at the end of a sentence. Notes will be formatted with Arial standard, 9 pt., spacing 1,5. Example:
5. This year a large number of the Independent Group meetings was held (Robbins 1990).
References to figures
Figures should be supplied in separate image files and not incorporated within the text.
They may or may not be referenced in the body of the text; if they are explicitly mentioned, the reference will appear between parenthesis (figure 6) immediately after the allusion. Example:
Some of these resources will also be used in the church of El Rocio, whose original project was unmistakably aaltiano (figure 11).
The approximate position where the figure must be placed will be indicated between two paragraphs, by inserting a reference to the full figure caption. This way, a list of figures at the end of the text will not be necessary, as they are already indicated (interspersed) along the text. It is important to include a full citation of the sources of each figure at the end of its caption (or «own authorship» if applicable). Example:
Figure 3. Room-kitchen, Core-House type 7, displayed in the exhibition «Small Garden, settelment and Housing», Vienna, 1923. Photographer: Joseph Perscheid, Vienna. Source: Schütte-Lihotzky Legacy, Vienna University of Applied Arts Collection and Archive, PRNR 34/19/FW.
If the source is part of the reference list, a citation will suffice:
Figure 6. Photograph of the cable models used in the diaphragm arches project of Casa Milá (Roca et al. 1996: 89).
For images obtained on the Internet, the source will be: ref. web, followed by the order number. Example:
Ref. web 2.
Full web references are entered at the end of the article within the bibliography (see below).
The list of books, chapters or articles cited in the paper will be consigned at the end in alphabetical order of the authors’ last names. References not cited in the text will not be included, even if they have been consulted during the research phase.
The format shown in the following examples will be observed:
Baldellou Santolaria, Miguel Ángel y González Capitel, Antón. 1995. Arquitectura española del s. XX. Serie Summa Artis, Historia General del Arte, vol. 40. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
Book chapters:
Buchanan, R A. 1988. Engineers and Government in Nineteenth-Century Britain. En: Roy MacLeod, R (ed.), Government and Expertise: Specialists, Administrators and Professionals, 1860-1919. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. 41-58.
Journal articles:
Mart Stam. 1938. Ontwerp voor het Nederlandsche Pavilijoen te New-York 1939. De 8 en Opbouw, 15: 142-144.
Ref. web 2: (last accessed 30 December 2009).
Image format
Only JPG image files are accepted.
Images shall have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, with maximum dimensions of 16 × 12 cm (or 12 × 16 cm). In any case, the maximum image size should not exceed 5 Mb. If colour images are provided, they will remain accessible on the online PDFs of the articles but will be printed in greyscale.
It is strongly recommended that the figures obtained from photographs or print media are scanned with the “descreen” option adjustment applied. The subsequent de-screening by image processing programs significantly reduces image quality.
Submission of papers
Authors recurrence
Except for special circumstances such as monographic numbers or other, works by the same author will not be published in consecutive issues, nor being part of articles by various authors. Similarly, in the last five issues only up to two articles per author will be published.
The period for receiving contributions is between the publication of the CALL FOR PAPERS and the DEADLINE established in it. When a monographic or special number is programmed, it will be announced in the CALL FOR PAPERS.
The text, without any reference to the author's name (neither inside the text nor in the notes or metadata of the file), will be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx) to the following email address:
The article title and author’s name will be sent in the same mail and in a different Word file (.doc or .docx), adding identifying data of the author’s academic qualifications and institutional position.
In this file, an abstract will be included of 140 to 160 words in Spanish and English, and also between 4 and 6 keywords in both languages.
All the subsequent correspondence linked to the editing process will use the email address
Each image will be sent in a separate JPG file named: Figure1, Figure2, etc. Emails should include a clear reference to the article title.
Response to submissions and deadlines
No later than 45 days after the deadline for submissions of proposals, a reasoned evaluation of the reviewers and the Editorial Board will be sent to authors, indicating, if necessary, the required modifications.
From that moment, authors have 15 natural days for corrections and resubmitting the article.
The digital content of the online publication in shall be sent to authors within 40 days following the expiry of the relevant preceding period.
Authors will receive a PDF file of their contribution and a copy of the print edition. Only one print copy per published article is guaranteed, even in cases of multiple authorship.