Cuaderno de Notas is an academic research journal of the Architectural Composition Department of ETSAM Architecture School (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), dedicated to issues of Theory and History of Architecture. It publishes contributions requested in an open and public call for papers and submitted to a peer review process, and is aimed at the university community as well as scholars interested in these areas.
Declaración sobre ética y malas prácticas en la publicación científica (PEMS)
Cuaderno de Notas has a clear commitment to the academic community in observing the highest ethical principles and ensuring the scientific quality of all published articles. Cuaderno de Notas adheres to the requirements and demands of the Declaration on Ethics and Inappropriate or Malicious Practices (PEMS): Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement requirements
Likewise, the ethical code of Cuaderno de Notas is based on the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing de COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
These principles apply to all content published by the journal.
The editors will value the articles received solely on the basis of their scientific merit, originality, clarity, correspondence with the thematic scope of the journal and respect of the Submission Guidelines.
The editors will not use content from the materials submitted for publication in their own research without the express written permission of the authors.
The editors will guarantee the selection of the most qualified and expert external reviewers for each article based on its topic. In their picking, biases and possible conflicts of interest will be avoided, pursuing a diverse and inclusive representation of external opinions. Editors will accept requests from authors that a particular person does not review their contribution if these requests are justified and feasible. The editors undertake to ensure the punctuality of the reviews commissioned.
Throughout the process of receiving and evaluating the articles, the confidentiality of their content and the anonymity of both the authors and the selected reviewers are guaranteed.
The editorial team undertakes to acknowledge receipt of the submitted articles and communicate the decision on whether or not to publish them, attaching the reviewers’ reports, within a maximum period of 60 days after the closing date of each call for papers.
The editors will decide whether or not to accept the article for publication, with minor or major changes, based on the reports of the external reviewers. When necessary, and especially in case of doubt or discrepancy of the external reviewers, the editors may request additional opinions. The decision to publish an article will not be reversed unless serious problems are detected in the submission.
The journal guarantees the correct authorship and the order of importance of the co-authors, if any, by express declaration of the signatories of the article.
The intellectual property of the authors is recognized, remaining the articles the property of Cuaderno de Notas from their acceptance to be published.
The published articles will include the closing date of the call for papers and the date of acceptance of the article.
The journal will ensure the resolution of conflicts of interest or competencies related to the authors and their articles that may arise.
ReviewersThose reviewers who accept to collaborate with Cuaderno de Notas agree to evaluate the papers constructively and without bias, ensuring their scientific quality and appropriate writing.
Reviewers undertake to issue the report on the papers that they are entrusted to evaluate in the shortest possible time and respecting the deadlines indicated by the editors.
Those reviewers who, being contacted to evaluate a paper, consider that they do not have sufficient competencies in the matter in question, that they cannot issue a report within the indicated period or that there is a conflict of interest in carrying out said work, undertake to decline the invitation and to communicate this circumstance immediately to the editors so that they can proceed to look for another reviewer.
The evaluation of articles will be as objective as possible, without mediating personal judgments or biases of any kind. The final opinion of each reviewer will be justified by a comment written with clarity, precision and cordiality, which may include suggestions for improving the work.
Articles entrusted to external reviewers are confidential, and they cannot discuss the papers with third parties or contact the authors directly without the express consent of the editors. In doing so, COPE’s Core Practices will be followed.
Reviewers are committed to accurately indicating possible missing bibliographical references in the articles. If reviewers suggest the inclusion of citations to their own work or to that of their collaborators, it must be for substantiated scientific reasons and not with the intention of increasing their citations.
Likewise, reviewers have the obligation to inform the editors of any knowledge or suspicion that they have of similarity or duplication of the articles received with other previously published works.
AuthorsBy accepting the terms and agreements expressed in the Submission Guidelines publicación, authors are responsible for ensuring that all material in the article is original and does not infringe copyright.
The submission of a paper for publication implies the declaration by the authors that said material or a significant part of it has not been previously published in any other medium or language, nor is it being evaluated for publication.It is the obligation of the authors to accurately document the bibliographic sources and the origin and authorship of the images used and to ensure their veracity, as well as to record any sponsorship or source of financing of the study that may involve conflicts of interest.
In articles with multiple authorship, it is the responsibility of the authors to rank authorship according to the degree of contribution, as well as to include as co-authors all those people who have made significant contributions to its preparation.
When there are people who have collaborated on specific aspects of the manuscript (translations, proofreading, graphics, suggestions, etc.), they must be acknowledged in the credits (footnotes, illustration captions, etc.) or in a final Acknowledgements section in the manuscript.
Information obtained privately, whether in conversation, correspondence, etc., and used to carry out the study should not be included without the explicit written consent of the sources.
The corresponding author, in cases of multiple authorship, must guarantee that all the co-authors have approved the final version of the article sent for publication.
Malpractice statement
When there are doubts about the originality and the unpublished nature of a submission, the authors will be asked for those cited documents with which there may be duplications.
Excesses in self-citation will motivate the request for clarifications by the editorial team.
The invention or falsification of data and images are considered serious conduct. Articles that include fraudulent content will be removed from Cuaderno de Notas, acting as quickly as possible after becoming aware of such practices.
Likewise, plagiarism and self-plagiarism will motivate the automatic discarding of the manuscripts or their eventual elimination, in case they have been published without having noticed the existence of these bad practices.
Cuaderno de Notas will be guided by the COPE flowcharts in case of suspicions of bad practices or disputed authorship (COPE Flowcharts).Retractions and errors
If authors discover a fundamental error or inaccuracy in their published contribution, they are required to report it immediately to the journal editors.
The editorial team is committed to publishing as quickly as possible as many rectifications, clarifications and apologies as necessary and justified.
The retraction of an article by its authors, properly argued and submitted to the judgment of the editorial team, will mean the indication of such condition in the online version of Cuaderno de Notas, with an explanation of the reasons.