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Author Guidelines

Originals that can be published in Ci[ur]

Summaries or chapters of doctoral theses read and approved at any of the universities that are part of the Network of Cuadernos de Investigación Urbanística and whose subject matter corresponds to the area of ​​knowledge of Urban Planning, Territorial Planning, Sustainability and Landscape.

Another option is any research work related to these topics whose author(s), whether or not part of the Network, decides to send the original to Ci[ur]. But in this case, it must be submitted to double-blind peer review to verify the quality of the work carried out. The works must be unpublished and original. The submission of the original manuscript to Ci[ur] implies a formal ethical commitment on the part of the author not to have sent it before or simultaneously to any other editor for publication.

Guidelines for the reception of articles

The objective of Cuadernos de Investigación Urbanística is to publish research works related to the area of ​​knowledge of urban planning and regional planning of a broader extension than an article, subject to expert arbitration. This arbitration, in the case of doctoral theses approved by a board of examiners, is assumed to have already been carried out. Therefore, all doctoral theses approved in the universities of the Network of Cuadernos de Investigación Urbanística are eligible for publication in Ci[ur], provided that their length is not less than 20,000 words nor more than 30,000 words and it is recommended that does not have more than 7 DIN-A4 pages of images, graphics or photographs. If its length is greater, a part may be published as long as it forms a unit in itself, or a summary at the author's proposal, if the Editorial Board of Ci[ur] agrees that it faithfully reflects the doctoral thesis approved by the corresponding court.

If the research work is not a doctoral thesis approved at any of the Network Ci[ur] universities, it will be submitted to double-blind peer review. The Director of Cuadernos will be in charge of selecting these experts, from among those suggested by the Network of Universities to be part of the Scientific Committee, who best adapt to the profile of the work. The Director will send the evaluators' reports without mentioning their names to the Editorial Board, which will decide:

If the work can be published as is and the corresponding Ci[ur] number will be assigned.

The modifications that the author must make if he wants it to be published and if these modifications require a new arbitration process or if verification of compliance by the Editorial Board itself is sufficient.

If the work is not publishable in Ci[ur]. The decision of the Editorial Board will be communicated to the author(s) within a maximum period of two months from receipt of the work.

 The originals, in digital format, and prepared using the template provided below, will be sent to the email: The length of the originals will be 30,000 words (including tables, figures, notes and bibliographical references). Tables, graphs and color photographs may be included with a recommended size of seven DIN-A4 pages. The maximum occupancy of images, graphs and tables may be increased if the length of the written part is less than 30,000 words. In any case, the article may not exceed 90 pages.

In the case of doctoral theses, a copy in digital format of the doctoral thesis read and approved will be accompanied, so that the Editorial Board can verify what is expressed in the first point. In this case, the director or tutor of the thesis, the university, the department, the date of reading, and the grade awarded to it must also be indicated, data that will appear on the first page of the publication.

By sending the original, if the work is accepted, its author(s) admits its publication on the Internet, where it can be obtained free of charge, both from the web page of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning and in the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid's open system.


The template that authors should use can be downloaded from here 

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