FRCM Composites para aplicaciones estructurales: una revisión sistemática
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Matriz cementosa reforzada con fibras, Resistencia a la tracción, Resistencia a la flexión, Sistema de retroadaptaciónResumen
Las matrices cementosas reforzadas con fibras (MCRF) son materiales compuestos que se utilizan cada vez más para la rehabilitación de estructuras existentes debido a su elevada relación resistencia-peso. Las FRCM están formadas por un tejido embebido en una matriz de mortero. Generalmente, el textil es una rejilla ortogonal que puede estar hecha de fibras de carbono, vidrio resistente a los álcalis (AR), basalto, aramida o PBO. Los morteros pueden ser a base de cal o cementosos, y pueden incluir varias adiciones como polímeros, fibras y cenizas volantes.
En este trabajo, para investigar sistemáticamente el comportamiento mecánico de los materiales compuestos FRCM sometidos a esfuerzos de tracción, así como el comportamiento en la interfaz FRCM-hormigón sometida a flexión, se realizó una revisión exhaustiva de los estudios experimentales.
Se diseñó un protocolo para la revisión sistemática, en el que la selección de artículos estuvo motivada por la inclusión de investigaciones experimentales, dentro del corpus de Web of Science de artículos que trataban sobre materiales FRCM de carbono, mediante la inclusión de «carbono» en el resumen o en el título.
1. Akbari Hadad, H., Erickson, B., & Nanni, A. (2020). Flexural analysis and design of FRCM-strengthened RC beams. Construction and Building Materials, 244, 118371.
2. Akbari Hadad, H., Nanni, A., Ebead, U. A., & El Refai, A. (2018). Static and Fatigue Performance of FRCM-Strengthened Concrete Beams. Journal of Composites for Construction, 22(5).
3. Arboleda, D. (2014). Fabric reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) composites for infrastructure strengthening and rehabilitation: Characterization methods. In Faculty of the University of Miami (Issue October 2013).
4. Arboleda, D., Carozzi, F. G., Nanni, A., & Poggi, C. (2016). Testing Procedures for the Uniaxial Tensile Characterization of Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix Composites. Journal of Composites for Construction, 20(3), 04015063.
5. Ascione, L., De Felice, G., & De Santis, S. (2015). A qualification method for externally bonded Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) strengthening systems. Composites Part B: Engineering, 78, 497–506.
6. Awani, O., Refai, A. El, & El-Maaddawy, T. (2015). Bond characteristics of carbon fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix in double shear tests. Construction and Building Materials, 101, 39–49.
7. Bellini, A., Bovo, M., & Mazzotti, C. (2019). Experimental and numerical evaluation of fiber-matrix interface behaviour of different FRCM systems. Composites Part B: Engineering, 161, 411–426.
8. Bertolesi, E., Carozzi, F. G., Milani, G., & Poggi, C. (2014). Numerical modeling of Fabric Reinforce Cementitious Matrix composites (FRCM) in tension. Construction and Building Materials, 70, 531–548.
9. Bilotta, A., Ceroni, F., Lignola, G. P., & Prota, A. (2017). Use of DIC technique for investigating the behaviour of FRCM materials for strengthening masonry elements. Composites Part B: Engineering, 129, 251–270.
10. Bressan, J., Ghrib, F., & El Ragaby, A. (2022). FRCM Strengthening of Corrosion-Damaged RC Beams Subjected to Monotonic and Cyclic Loading. Journal of Composites for Construction, 26(1).
11. Butler, M., Mechtcherine, V., & Hempel, S. (2010). Durability of textile reinforced concrete made with AR glass fibre: Effect of the matrix composition. Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 43(10), 1351–1368.
12. Caggegi, C., Carozzi, F. G., De Santis, S., Fabbrocino, F., Focacci, F., Hojdys, Ł., Lanoye, E., & Zuccarino, L. (2017). Experimental analysis on tensile and bond properties of PBO and aramid fabric reinforced cementitious matrix for strengthening masonry structures. Composites Part B: Engineering, 127, 175–195.
13. Caggegi, C., Lanoye, E., Djama, K., Bassil, A., & Gabor, A. (2017). Tensile behaviour of a basalt TRM strengthening system: Influence of mortar and reinforcing textile ratios. Composites Part B: Engineering, 130, 90–102.
14. Carozzi, F. G., Bellini, A., D’Antino, T., de Felice, G., Focacci, F., Hojdys, Ł., Laghi, L., Lanoye, E., Micelli, F., Panizza, M., & Poggi, C. (2017a). Experimental investigation of tensile and bond properties of Carbon-FRCM composites for strengthening masonry elements. Composites Part B: Engineering, 128, 100–119.
15. Carozzi, F. G., Bellini, A., D’Antino, T., de Felice, G., Focacci, F., Hojdys, Ł., Laghi, L., Lanoye, E., Micelli, F., Panizza, M., & Poggi, C. (2017b). Experimental investigation of tensile and bond properties of Carbon-FRCM composites for strengthening masonry elements. Composites Part B: Engineering, 128, 100–119.
16. Carozzi, F. G., & Poggi, C. (2015). Mechanical properties and debonding strength of Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) systems for masonry strengthening. Composites Part B: Engineering, 70, 215–230.
17. Choi, D., Vachirapanyakun, S., Ochirbud, M., Naidangjav, U., Ha, S., & Kim, Y. (2021). Tensile Performance, Lap-Splice Length and Behavior of Concretes Confined by Prefabricated C-FRCM System. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 15(1), 45.
18. Guide for the design and construction of externally bonded FRP systems for strengthening existing structures, ACI committee 440 144 (2018).
19. D’Ambrisi, A., Feo, L., & Focacci, F. (2013). Experimental and analytical investigation on bond between Carbon-FRCM materials and masonry. Composites Part B: Engineering, 46, 15–20.
20. D’Antino, T., & Papanicolaou, C. (2017). Mechanical characterization of textile reinforced inorganic-matrix composites. Composites Part B: Engineering, 127, 78–91.
21. D’Antino, Tommaso, Carloni, C., Sneed, L. H., & Pellegrino, C. (2014). Matrix-fiber bond behavior in PBO FRCM composites: A fracture mechanics approach. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 117, 94–111.
22. D’Antino, Tommaso, & Papanicolaou, C. (2017). Mechanical characterization of textile reinforced inorganic-matrix composites. Composites Part B: Engineering, 127, 78–91.
23. D’Antino, Tommaso, & Papanicolaou, C. (Corina). (2018). Comparison between different tensile test set-ups for the mechanical characterization of inorganic-matrix composites. Construction and Building Materials, 171, 140–151.
24. De Domenico, D., Maugeri, N., Longo, P., Ricciardi, G., Gullì, G., & Calabrese, L. (2022). Clevis-Grip Tensile Tests on Basalt, Carbon and Steel FRCM Systems Realized with Customized Cement-Based Matrices. Journal of Composites Science, 6(9), 275.
25. de Felice, G., D’Antino, T., De Santis, S., Meriggi, P., & Roscini, F. (2020). Lessons Learned on the Tensile and Bond Behavior of Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) Composites. Frontiers in Built Environment, 6.
26. de Felice, G., De Santis, S., Garmendia, L., Ghiassi, B., Larrinaga, P., Lourenço, P. B., Oliveira, D. V., Paolacci, F., & Papanicolaou, C. G. (2014). Mortar-based systems for externally bonded strengthening of masonry. Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 47(12), 2021–2037.
27. De Santis, S., & De Felice, G. (2015). Tensile behaviour of mortar-based composites for externally bonded reinforcement systems. Composites Part B: Engineering, 68, 401–413.
28. De Santis, S., Hadad, H. A., De Caso y Basalo, F., de Felice, G., & Nanni, A. (2018). Acceptance Criteria for Tensile Characterization of Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix Systems for Concrete and Masonry Repair. Journal of Composites for Construction, 22(6), 04018048.
29. Donnini, J., Chiappini, G., Lancioni, G., & Corinaldesi, V. (2019). Tensile behaviour of glass FRCM systems with fabrics’ overlap: Experimental results and numerical modeling. Composite Structures, 212(October 2018), 398–411.
30. Donnini, J., Corinaldesi, V., & Nanni, A. (2016). Mechanical properties of FRCM using carbon fabrics with different coating treatments. Composites Part B: Engineering, 88, 220–228.
31. Ebead, U., & El-Sherif, H. (2019). Near surface embedded-FRCM for flexural strengthening of reinforced concrete beams. Construction and Building Materials, 204, 166–176.
32. Ebead, U., Shrestha, K. C., Afzal, M. S., El Refai, A., & Nanni, A. (2017). Effectiveness of Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix in Strengthening Reinforced Concrete Beams. Journal of Composites for Construction, 21(2), 04016084.
33. El-Sherif, H., Wakjira, T. G., & Ebead, U. (2020). Flexural strengthening of reinforced concrete beams using hybrid near-surface embedded/externally bonded fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix. Construction and Building Materials, 238, 117748.
34. Elghazy, M., El Refai, A., Ebead, U., & Nanni, A. (2017). Effect of corrosion damage on the flexural performance of RC beams strengthened with FRCM composites. Composite Structures, 180, 994–1006.
35. Elghazy, M., El Refai, A., Ebead, U., & Nanni, A. (2018). Corrosion-Damaged RC Beams Repaired with Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix. Journal of Composites for Construction, 22(5).
36. Escrig, C., Gil, L., Bernat-Maso, E., & Puigvert, F. (2015). Experimental and analytical study of reinforced concrete beams shear strengthened with different types of textile-reinforced mortar. Construction and Building Materials, 83, 248–260.
37. Estevan, L., Varona, F. B., Baeza, F. J., Torres, B., & Bru, D. (2022). Textile Reinforced Mortars (TRM) tensile behavior after high temperature exposure. Construction and Building Materials, 328, 127116.
38. FRCM Composites para aplicaciones estructurales: una revisión sistemática FRCM Composites for structural applications: a systematic review
39. Feng, R., Liu, Y., Zhu, J.-H., & Xing, F. (2020). Flexural behaviour of C-FRCM strengthened corroded RC continuous beams. Composite Structures, 245, 112200.
40. Hartig, J., Jesse, F., Schicktanz, K., & Häußler-Combe, U. (2012). Influence of experimental setups on the apparent uniaxial tensile load-bearing capacity of Textile Reinforced Concrete specimens. Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 45(3), 433–446.
41. Jabr, A., El-Ragaby, A., & Ghrib, F. (2017). Effect of the Fiber Type and Axial Stiffness of FRCM on the Flexural Strengthening of RC Beams. Fibers, 5(1), 2.
42. Khattak, N., Mansour, M., El-Maaddawy, T., & Ismail, N. (2021). Continuous Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix: Experimental Investigation and Numerical Simulation. Buildings, 12(1), 27.
43. Kim, H.-S., Truong, G. T., Park, S.-H., & Choi, K.-K. (2018). Tensile Properties of Carbon Fiber-Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) Characterized by Different Anchorage Methods. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 12(1), 73.
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48. Lignola, G. P., Caggegi, C., Ceroni, F., De Santis, S., Krajewski, P., Lourenço, P. B., Morganti, M., Papanicolaou, C. (Corina), Pellegrino, C., Prota, A., & Zuccarino, L. (2017). Performance assessment of basalt FRCM for retrofit applications on masonry. Composites Part B: Engineering, 128, 1–18.
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