Arquitectura y medioambiente: una bibliografía crítica = Architecture and Environment: a Critical Bibliography


  • Eduardo Prieto González


Palabras clave:

Arquitectura, medioambiente, bibliografía, crítica, historia medioambiental, architecture, environment, bibliography, critique, environmental history



La tradición historiográfica y crítica de la arquitectura se ha sostenido en conceptos —los estilos, los autores, las sociedades, las culturas, los modos de producción— tomados en su mayor parte de los enfoques formalistas propios de la Historia del Arte. Se trata de conceptos que han dado pie a relatos elaborados de ‘arriba abajo’ donde no han tenido cabida otros temas más infraestruc­turales como el entorno, los recursos materiales, el confort y la experiencia corporal. Con todo, existe una tradición bibliográfica con una prosapia corta, pero rica y original, cuyo tema ha sido la relación de la arquitectura con el campo semántico amplio y complejo que hoy cubre la palabra ‘medioambiente’; una tradición que ha estado definida tanto por los paradigmas medioambienta-les de la arquitectura del siglo xx —paradigmas higienista, tecnocráctico, bioclimático, ecológico, termodinámico y sostenible— cuanto por los paradigmas estéticos y filosóficos de otras discipli­nas —paradigmas estructuralista, antropológico, fenomenológico, atmosférico, antropotécnico o ecológico ‘profundo’—. Hoy, este bagaje bibliográfico tiende a enriquecerse y ampliarse por medio de las herramientas analíticas, hermenéuticas y críticas de la historia en cuanto disciplina para dar pie a una nueva y necesaria ‘historia medioambiental de la arquitectura’.


The historiographic and critical tradition of architecture has been sustained by concepts— styles, authors, societies, cultures, modes of production—taken for the most part from the formalistic approaches pertaining to the History of Art. These are concepts that have given rise to elaborate ‘top-down’ stories where more infrastructural issues—such as the environment, material resources, comfort, and bodily experience—have not had a place. Nevertheless, there is a bibliographic tradition—of short lineage, yet rich and original— that has tackled architecture’s relationship with the broad and complex semantic field now encompassed in the word ‘environment’; a tradition defined as much by the environmental paradigms of 20th-century architecture—hygienist, technocratic, bioclimatic, ecological, thermodynamic, and sustainable paradigms—as by the aesthetic and philosophical paradigms of other disciplines—structuralist, anthropological, phenomenological, atmospheric, anthropotechnical, and ‘deep’ ecological paradigms. Today this bibliographic baggage tends to be enriched and expanded by means of the analytical, hermeneutical, and critical tools of history, in pursuit of a new and necessary ‘environmental history of architecture’.


Los datos de descarga aún no están disponibles.


Geiger, Rudolf. 1927. Das Klima der bodennahe Luftschicht.

Mumford, Lewis. 1934. Technics and Civilization.

Missenard, André. 1937. L’Homme et le climat.

Bachelard, Gaston. 1938. Psychanalyse du feu.

Mumford, Lewis. 1941. The South in Architecture. The Dancy Lectures Alabama College.

Bachelard, Gaston. 1942. L’Eau et les rêves: essai sur l’imagination de la matière.

Bachelard, Gaston. 1943. L’Air et les songes: essai sur l’imagination du mouvement.

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. 1945. Phénoménologie de la perception.

Fitch, James Marston. 1947. American Building: The Forces that Shape it.

Bachelard, Gaston. 1948. La Terre et les rêveries de la volonté: essai sur l’imagination des forces.

Giedion, Sigfried. 1948. Mechanization Takes Command.

Egli, Ernst. 1951. Die neue Stadt in Landschaft und Klima.

Moholy-Nagy, Sybil. 1957. Native Genius in Anonymous Architecture.

Wright, Lawrence. 1960. Clean and Decent: History of the Bathroom and the WC.

Olgyay, Victor. 1961. Design with Climate. Bioclimatic approach to architectural regionalism.

Wright, Lawrence. 1962. Warm and Snug: The History of the Bed.

Bollnow, Otto F. 1963. Mensch und Raum.

Rykwert, Joseph. 1963. The Idea of a Town.

Schmitz, Hermann. 1963-2009: System der Philosophie.

Fry, Maxwell y DREW, Jane. 1964. Tropical Architecture.

Rudofsky, Bernard. 1964. Architecture without Architects.

Wright, Lawrence. 1964. Home Fires Burning: The History of Domestic Heating and Cooking.

Mumford, Lewis. 1967-70. Myth of the Machine.

Moholy-Nagy, Sybil. 1968. Matrix of Man: An Illustrated History of Urban Environment.

Grant, Stuart. 1968-1972. Whole Earth Catalog.

Banham, Reyner. 1969. The Architecture of Well-tempered Environment.

Givoni, Baruch. 1969. Man, Climate, and Architecture.

Oliver, Paul. 1969. Shelter and Society.

Rapoport, Amos. 1969. House, Form and Culture.

McHarg, Ian L. 1969. Design with Nature.

Maldonado, Tomás. 1970. La speranza progettuale: Ambiente e società.

Schumacher, E. F. 1973. Small Is Beautiful: A Study Of Economics As If People Mattered.

Arheim, Rudolf. 1974. Entropy and Art: An Essay on Disorder and Order.

Königsberger, Otto H. 1974. Manual of Tropical Housing and Building.

Knowles, Ralph. 1974. Energy and Form: An Ecological Approach to Urban Growth.

Steadman, Philip. 1975. Energy, Environment and Building.

Fathy, Hassan. 1976. Architecture for the Poor: An Experiment in Rural Egypt.

Stein, Richard G. 1977. Architecture and Energy. Conserving Energy Through Rational Design.

Watson, Donald. 1977. Energy Conservation Through Building Design.

Bruegmann, Robert. 1978. “Central Heating and Forced Ventilation: Origins and Effects on Architectural Design”, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol. 37, nº 3.

Alexander, Christopher. 1979. The Timeless Way of Building.

Heschong, Luisa. 1979. Thermal Delight in Architecture.

Evans, Martin. 1980. Housing, Climate, and Comfort.

Konya, Allan. 1980. Design Primer for Hot Climates.

Norberg-Schulz, Christian. 1980. Genius Loci, Towards a phenomenology of architecture.

Ramón, Fernando. 1980. Ropa, sudor y arquitecturas.

Tromp, S. W. 1980. Biometeorology. The Impact of the Weather and Climate on Homes and their Environment.

Corbin, Alain. 1982. L’odorat et l’imaginaire social, XVIIIe-XIXe siècles.

Fathy, Hassan. 1986. Natural Energy and Vernacular Architecture: Principles and Examples With Referencias to Hot Arid Climates.

Rybczynski, Witold. 1986. Home: A Short History of an Idea.

Cosgrove, Denis E. 1988. The Iconography of Landscape: Essays on the Symbolic Representation, Design and Use of Past Environments.

Mazini, Ezio. 1989. Artefatti. Verso una nuova ecologia dell’ambiente.

Fernández-Galiano, Luis. 1991. El fuego y la memoria: sobre arquitectura y energía.

Latour, Bruno. 1991. Nous n’avons jamais été modernes: Essais d’anthropologie symétrique.

Seel, Martin. 1991. Eine Ästhetik der Natur.

Ábalos, Iñaki y Herreros, Juan. 1992. Técnica y arquitectura en la ciudad contemporánea, 1950- 2000.

Cosgrove, Denis E. 1993. The Palladian Landscape: Geographical Change And Its Cultural Representations In Sixteenth-Century Italy.

Mostafavi, Mohsen y Leatherbarrow, David. 1993. On Weathering: The Life of Buildings in Time.

Böhme, Gernot: Atmosphäre. 1995. Essays zur neuen Ästhetik.

De Landa, Manuel. 1997. Mil años de historia no lineal.

Oliver, Paul. 1997. Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World.

Sloterdijk, Peter. 1998-2004. Sphären.

Fernández-Armesto. 2000. Civilizations.

Seel, Martin. 2000. Ästhetik des Erscheinens.

Kwinter, Sanford. 2001. Architecture of Time: Toward a Theory of the Event in Modernist Culture.

López de Asiaín, Jaime. 2001. Arquitectura, ciudad, medioambiente.

Mcdonough, William y Braungart, Michael. 2002. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way we Make Things.

Diamond, Jared M. 2003. Guns, Germs, and Steel.

Marot, Sébastien. 2003. Sub-Urbanism and the Art of Memory.

Bruegmann, Robert. 2005. Sprawl: A Compact History.

Neila, F. Javier. 2004. Arquitectura bioclimática en un entorno sostenible.

Corbin, Alain. 2005. Le ciel et la mer.

Böhme, Gernot. 2006. Architektur und Atmosphäre.

Buchanan, Peter. 2006. The Shades of Green: Architecture and the Natural World.

Zumthor, Peter. 2006. Atmosphären.

Morton, Timothy. 2007. Ecology Without Nature: Rethinking Environmental Aesthetics.

Hawkes, Dean. 2008. The Environmental Imagination: Technics and poetics of the architectural environment.

Overy, Paul. 2008. Light, Air and Openness, Modern Architecture Between the Wars.

Rahm, Philippe. 2009. Architecture météorologique.

Ábalos, Iñaki. 2010. “La belleza termodinámica”, en 2G, nº 56.

García-Germán, Javier, ed. 2010. De lo mecánico a lo termodinámico por una definición energética de la arquitectura y del territorio.

Griffero, Tonino. 2010. Atmosferologia. Estetica degli spazi emozionali.

Moe, Kiel. 2010. Thermally Active Surfaces in Architecture.

Hawkes, Dean. 2012. Architecture and Climate: An Environmental History of British Architecture, 1600-2000.

Jarzombek, Mark M. 2013. Architecture of First Societies: A Global Perspective.

Mallgrave, Harry F. 2013. Architecture and Embodiment: The Implications of the New Sciences and Humanities for Design.

Koolhaas, Rem y Marot, Sébastien. 2014. Fireplace.

Moe, Kiel. 2014. Insulating Modernism: Isolated and Non-Isolated Thermodynamics in Architecture.

Prieto, Eduardo. 2014. “Máquinas o atmósferas: la estética de la energía en la arquitectura’”.

Schmitz, Hermann. 2014. Atmosphären.

Ábalos, Iñaki. 2015. Essays on Thermodynamics, Architecture, and Beauty.

Fernández-Galiano. 2015. “Climas arquitectónicos: una bibliografía ambiental”, Arquitectura Viva, nº 175, 2015.

Medina Warmburg, Joaquín y Shmidt, Claudia. 2015. The construction of climate in modern architectural culture, 1920-1980.







Cómo citar

Arquitectura y medioambiente: una bibliografía crítica = Architecture and Environment: a Critical Bibliography. (2021). Cuaderno De Notas, 22, 150-167.