The hybrid building concept. Topological characterisation as a project resource

Salvador Haddadi


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The hybrid building concept has been used since the end of the 20th century to describe architectures with multiple interrelated uses. The simplicity of the current definition has led to confusion among the hybrid and other typologies, such as social condensers, architectural megastructures and skyscrapers. In addition to this controversy, we must take note the contemporary theories that reject the multifunctional characterisation of hybrid architecture. Through a comparative analysis of functional character (use), typology (shape), topology (system) and semantics (verbal definition), the intention is to clarify differences between contemporary hybrid buildings and other typologies and architectural classifications. It will provide an updated definition of the hybrid building concept and will verify the topological characterisation of contemporary hybrid buildings. Beyond achieving a categorical definition, the idea is to evince a design method and present architectural hybridisation as a strategy or project tool.

Palabras clave

Hybrid; Mixed-use; Topology; Megastructure; Bigness


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