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Author Guidelines

3.1.1 Format

Building & Management is an online open access publication, free of charge for authors. The articles will be published online in PDF format, and will be available for free to readers immediately after publication online, without any restriction, at the following electronic address:

The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid reserves the right to distribute the complete numbers as an electronic book for its sale, either in PDF format, ePub or in any other possible electronic format, now or in the future, and / or paper format in print on demand. These alternative formats will have identical content and will be subject to the same copyright as the individual articles in the digital edition, and will be considered equivalent for all purposes.


3.1.2 Submitting process

All manuscripts will preferably be written in English or Spanish. Submitted manuscripts will undergo a reviewing process, starting with a linguistic review. Manuscripts with a poor quality in this regard will be returned without evaluation. The submission of a manuscript implies that all co-authors have approved and accepted the content of the submitted text, tables, graphic material and any other complementary material supplied. The corresponding author will be responsible for all the co-authors to correct information about the manuscript. All submissions must be accompanied by a signed letter stating the originality and unpublished nature of the content of the manuscript, and their assurance that it has not been simultaneously sent to another publication for its evaluation. The letter can be downloaded at


3.1.3 Manuscript

To help authors in the preparation of their manuscripts a standard template can be downloaded at


3.1.4 Manuscript deliver and acceptance

All proposed contents will be related to the objectives of the journal and will have to adhere to the rules contained in the following sections. Manuscripts will be sent to the following email address: Papers will be written in Spanish or English. Manuscripts should be between 6000 and 8000 words in length, considering each table or figure as equivalent to 200 words.


3.1.5 Manuscript admissión

All manuscripts received will be evaluated through a double-blind system. Suggestions will be sent to the authors to make the necessary modifications. Only original manuscripts that have not previously been published in other journals will be accepted.


3.1.6 Title

The title should be concise, informative, meaningful to the whole readership of the journal and will be written in English and Spanish. The name and surname of the author(s) and the company, university or research center, as well as the e-mail address, will be indicated below.


3.1.7 Abstract

The articles will include a summary in Spanish and English (between 200 and 300 words) that clearly state the objectives, the approach and conclusions of the research.


3.1.8 Keywords and highlights

Between 4 and 6 keywords in Spanish and English will be included, as well as 3 to 5 highlights (phrases that define the most important elements of the article, with no more than 85 characters each, spaces included).


3.1.9 Production and submission

Writing clear, concise sentences. Proposals will be sent to the e-mail address es in electronic format. The text will be sent in a file in .doc format, including the images in the desired place. Articles will be accepted in Spanish and English. When the text is written in English, it will not be necessary to send either the title or the abstract in Spanish.


3.1.10 References

References must be limited to those indispensable that are directly related to the article’s content. Citations in the text and references will meet the IEEE standard format. There should be no less than 25 references and at least 30% of them from the last 4 years.


[1] A. Rezi and M. Allam, “Techniques in array processing by means of transformations,” in Control and Dynamic Systems, Vol. 69, Multidimensional Systems, C. T. Leondes, Ed. San Diego: Academic Press, 1995, pp. 133-180.

Journal articles

[2] G. Liu, K. Y. Lee, and H. F. Jordan, "TDM and TWDM de Brujin networks and suffflenets for optical communications," IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 46, pp. 695-701,, June 1997.

Technical report

[3] K. E. Elliot and C. M. Greene, "A local adaptive protocol", Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, France, Tech. Rep. 916-1010-BB,, 1997

Master End Project or PhD thesis 

[4] J.-C. Wu. "Rate-distortion analysis and digital transmission of nonstationary images". Ph.D. dissertation, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Piscataway,NJ, USA,, 1998.


[5] J. Jones. (1991, May 10). Networks (2nd ed.) [Online]. Available: Last date reviewed.


3.1.11 Tables, figures and gráphics

The number of tables and figures should be limited by sending only those that are really useful, clear and representative. They will be numbered correlatively according to the quotation in the text and each one will have its caption. They will be placed in the right place of the text. Tables and figures should be designed in Word or Excel, so that they are visible when conforming to the format of 8.8 cm (width of 2 columns) presenting a good contrast so that they do not lose quality with the reduction. If necessary, once the article has been accepted, the journal may ask the corresponding author separately for tables and figures with better resolution. Sources must be included, when necessary, for tables, figures.

The resolution of pictures should not be less than 300 dpi (dots per inch). If the size of the final file is too large (more than 10 MB), then the manuscript should contain the figures with minimized resolution, and the original figures must be provided in separate files, if the article is accepted.


3.1.12 Formulas and equations

Images should be inserted and not embedded in the document. They will be numbered in parentheses in correlative order. If they are cited in the text, it will be done in the same way and by the same order.


3.1.13 Layout

The authors will receive a layout PDF proof that should be reviewed within a maximum period of three days. Modifications of the original text will not be accepted during the proofreading.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted to another journal (Or an explanation has been provided in “Comments to the editor”).

  • The file sent is in Microsoft Word format.

  • The template available on the journal's website has been used and the rules set out have been followed.

  • The authorship declaration is being signed by the author and all the co-authors and attached with the manuscript file in the submitting e-mail to the Editor to

  • The text meets the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the template available on the journal's website.

  • Description of the last check that must be made before sending the article, in order to avoid the most common errors:

    - There is a list of the names of all the authors using superscript numeric identifiers to link an author with an address and institution where necessary.

    - It can be find the institution followed by the full postal addresses (including e-mail) of every author.

    -  Title, abstract, highlights and Keywords are included in English and Spanish.

    - The main text has 6000 to 8000 words, including abstract, keywords, etc., and also figures and graphics with an equivalence of 200 words for each.

    - The abstract has 200 to 300 words.

    - It has 4 to 6 Keywords and It has been selected 3-5 highlights with the main information of the manuscript, each one with no more than 85 characters (including spaces).

    - Tables, diagrams and figures are entered in a borderless text box, including inside the figure caption in the lower part the table foot and are placed and cited in the text in consecutive numerical order

    - The list of references is made according to the reference requirements of the Journal, and at least the 30% of them are dated in the last four years.

    - Authors’ short biographies with 50 to 75 words are included.

    - The author has the permission to use the material with rights of another author, even if it is in the Web.

    Any inquiry regarding the submission of the article can be resolved in the first instance on the website of the magazine. For other inquiries, the magazine contact email is available:

Privacy Statement

The personal data provided to in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by Building & Management and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.