A democratic proposal for changing the city model: the case of Barcelona

Enric Tello, Phillippa Warner

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Investment poured into Barcelona for the Olympics in 1992. There was so much construction and renovation that for the four year run up to the big event, tourists were not able to see many of the famous monuments. It could have been the perfect opportunity for Barcelona to select and promote environmentally friendly urban planning. Here we analyse the situation leading up to the occasion, exploring the reasons why this was not to be. We go on to look at how the community has succeeded in demanding that environmental issues be taken on board actively in city planning policy in the light of Local Agenda 21. We see how cooperation between unions, residents associations, Non Governmental Organisations (NGO's) and the council have managed to approach and tackle serious environmental issues in a kind of partnership which could serve as an example for future challenges towards a new democratic model of active participation.

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