Peter Shepheard: spaces in between the architecture and the landscape


  • Juan J. Tuset

Palabras clave:

Landscape architecture, functionalism, urban design, garden, nature



After the Second World War, Modernism started to debate his continuity or crisis. This led many architects and critics to formulate theories and take up breaking disciplinary attitudes against that time. One of them was the English architect, urban planner and landscape designer Peter Shepheard who developed a professional, theoretical and academic career where the concept in between got relevance as one of the defi ning keys of the architectural design in the second half of the twentieth century. To Shepheard modern design should be the encounter between architecture, urbanism and landscape. This claim was preceded by different types of architectural works, urban projects, articles and publications on landscape design and garden which made him a leading voice in the British context.
Shepheard encouraged landscapers architects to convince themselves that the three disciplines converge into one. The responsibility of the young profession of landscape architecture was to assume the challenge for the architectural, urban and landscape design as a whole and in the search for and defi nition of intermediate spaces between the architecture and the landscape.


Los datos de descarga aún no están disponibles.


DOWNS, Anabel (ed.). Peter Shepheard. Londres: Landscape Design Trust, 2004.

HARVEY, Sheila. Reflections on Landscape. The Landscape Institute, London 1987.

IMBERT, Dorothée. "Landscape Architects of the world unite! Professional organizations, practice and politics, 1935-1948", JoLA, Primavera, 2007.

MCALSAN+PARTNERS. Lancaster University Masterplan, Octubre, 2007.

MONTANER, José María: La modernidad superada. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1997.

MONTANER, José María: Después del movimiento moderno: arquitectura de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1999.

MUMFORD, Eric. The CIAM discourse on Urbanism 1928-1960. Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press, 2002.

SHEPHEARD, Peter: Modern Gardens. Architectural Press, London 1953.

SHEPHEARD, Peter: “Landscape and Architecture”. RIBA Journal, February 1953.

SHEPHEARD, Peter: "The president's address: the importance of being serious", Architectural Association Journal, November 1954.

SHEPHEARD, Peter: “The relationship between landscape architecture and architecture”, Journal of the Institute of Landscape Architects, nº 52, November 1960.

SHEPHEARD, Peter: "Where next", Journal of the Institute of Landscape Architects, nº 74, March 1966.

SHEPHEARD, Peter: Gardens. McDonald, London, 1969.

SHEPHEARD, Peter: “Design for living”, Journal of the Institute of Landscape Architects, nº 90, May 1970.

SHEPHEARD, Peter: “The spaces in between”, Almanac, nº 7, October 1980







Cómo citar

Peter Shepheard: spaces in between the architecture and the landscape. (2014). Cuadernos De Proyectos Arquitectónicos, 5, 150-152.