Problems detected in collaborative construction work


  • María de los Ángeles Ramírez-Peña Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I
  • Carlos Rodríguez-Monroy Universidad Politécnica de Madrid



Engineering is a subject that ranges from extensive collaborations to small individual projects. In our interest in the study of collaboration, we have detected a series of problems in realizing construction and engineering projects that cover different aspects. It is worth highlighting the subject of technical drawing, the different terminology used in the projects, mainly when these are carried out in other locations, the massive use of assisted design software, and the difficulty of carrying out projects collaboratively.
Computer-aided design was a catalyst that has been fully implemented in Spain since the 90s in architecture and engineering. The most widespread application worldwide is AutoCAD. Students learn to carry out small projects with software applications. The basis of any project is the drawing of the object to be made. When teaching technical drawing, instructors have noticed fundamental deficiencies in the correct representation of objects.
Similarly, those responsible for the projects have shown the absence of this knowledge. This significantly impairs the definition of certain essential elements that must be specified later in the execution due to the changes between what is projected and what can be executed. On the other hand, during the construction boom and mainly due to the commercialization of homes, multiple 3D software emerged to facilitate the prospective buyer's vision of their future home. The proliferation of this type of software has posed a series of problems as students master the computer tool but not the transition from 3D to 2D and vice-versa. Although AutoCAD made it easy to carry out projects with excellent efficiency, it has failed, despite its many updates, to become a collaborative tool that allows several individuals to work on the same file at the same time. However, architecture and engineering projects have always been examples of collaboration, as shown in the Collaborative Intelligence model proposed in our research articles. Specifically, this model is based on three fundamental pillars: area of knowledge, collaborative technology, and intellectual cooperation. Of these three pillars of Collaborative Intelligence, we are most affected by the area of knowledge and collaborative technology since this is where more deficiencies have been detected.
This study highlights these difficulties and solves the problems that project managers have detected in their collaborators for students to acquire these skills. We consider that the acquisition of these competencies is based on correct technical drawing learning, although the software is the primary interaction vehicle.


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Cómo citar

Problems detected in collaborative construction work. (2022). Advances in Building Education, 6(1), 37-45.