The Garden on the Roof of the Le Corbusier Apartment: a key episode in the construction of the mature Le Corbusier’s project system

Renata Sentkiewicz


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The Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier created a small garden between the roof vaults of the eighth floor of the building on rue Nungesser et Coli in Paris. Designed by himself, this building housed his own home and workshop on its two upper floors, and a spiral staircase led to a small private garden. The abandonment of this garden during World War II and its rediscovery at the end of the war, transformed and given over to nature, gave Le Corbusier a new understanding of the ‘roof-garden’. He applied it to many projects in his mature work, prefiguring sensibilities integrated in similar ideas within the contemporary corpus of design methodologies.

Palabras clave

Garden; Deck-garden; Le Corbusier; Nature, Time; Natural processes


LE CORBUSIER. OEuvre complète: volumen 3, 1934- 38. Basel-Boston-Berlin: Birkhäuser Publishers, 1999 [1º ed., 1939].

LE CORBUSIER. OEuvre complète: volumen 4, 1938- 46. Basel-Boston-Berlin: Birkhäuser Publishers, 1999 [1º ed., 1946].

LE CORBUSIER. Une Petit maison. Zürich: Editions Girsberger, 1954. [Ed. consultada: Una pequeña casa. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Infinito, 2006].

LE CORBUSIER. El Poeme de L’Angle Droit. París: Tériade Editeur ,1955. [Ed. consultada: El poema del ángulo recto. Madrid: Círculo de Bellas Artes, 2006].

LE CORBUSIER. Precisions. París: Collection de L’Esprit Noveau, 1930. [Ed. consultada: Precisiones. Respecto a un estado actual de la arquitectura y el urbanismo. Barcelona: Ediciones Apostrofe, 2010].

FOUNDATION LE CORBUSIER (ed.), Le Corbusier: immueble, 24, rue Nungesser-et-coli and other buildings and projects. Paris: coédition Inc et Fondation Le Corbusier, 1982.

BURRI, René, Arthur Le Rüegg and Le Corbusier. Le Corbusier, Moments in the Life of a Great Architect. Basel- Boston-Berlin: Birkhäuser Publishers, 1999.

CLÉMENT, Gilles. Manifeste du Tiers paysage. Montreuil: Editions Sujet / Objet, 2003. [Ed. consultada: Manifiesto del Tercer Paisaje. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2018.]

SBRIGLIO, Jacques. Immueble 24 N.C. et appartement Le Corbusier. Basel-Boston-Berlin: Coedición Fondation Le Corbusier - Birkhäuser Publishers, 1996.

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