Rhythms, Metrics, and Industrial Roof in Alejandro de la Sota’s Clesa Dairy Plant

Rafael García García

DOI: https://doi.org/10.20868/cpa.2019.9.4552

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The striking modular irregularity of theClesa dairy plant’s structural grid strikes a contrast with the uniformity of other contemporary projects of Alejandro de la Sota. Analysis of the building shows important dimensional variations in its modulations that distance it from the maximum regularity expected, especially for an industrial building. This paper tries to explain the conditions that might have led to the final configuration of the modular grid, as well as the series of changes that were made on the preliminary design. Similarly, we explore the impact that the modifications on the modulation could have had on the definition of the more expressive and characteristic elements of the roofing system. It proved necessary to compare the building with an array of contemporary structural and constructive solutions of industrial architecture roofs. Likewise, issues such as the modular grouping in odd or even numbers of sections proved to be very relevant to the process followed.

Palabras clave

Rhythms, Metrics, and Industrial Roof in Alejandro de la Sota’s Clesa Dairy Plant


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