Le Corbusier and the Salon d´Automne of Paris. Architecture and representation

José Ramón Alonso Pereira

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“Architecture and Representation” is a plural theme that includes both figuration as manifestation, image and scenography of architecture. Within it, here it is analyzed how Le Corbusier proposes an interdependence between architecture and image that entails not only a new sense of space, but also new means of representing it, using the most varied expressive vehicles: from watercolor to diorama, from plans to models, from sketches to scientific schemes and, in general, using all possible expression and representation means to make known their concerns and their proposals, all of them within a singular contest: the Paris’s Salon d’ Automne; cradle of art avant-gardes.Le Corbusier attended Le Salon d’ Automne with his architecture on multiple occasions. He brought there his Orient drawings and he returned in the 1920s to exhibit his works, going on from art-landscape to architecture and, within it —in an inverse, anti-classical order— from urban scale to building scale and to small scale of interiorism and furnishing.

Palabras clave

Salon d’ Automne; Le Corbusier; Équipement de l’habitation; Scale; Indoor space


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