Bauhaus vs Burg Giebichenstein. Two confronted models

Pablo López Martín

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Bauhaus School was undoubtedly the great umbrella of the leading representatives of artistic and architectural avant-garde in Germany. It was clearly the cultural epicenter of the western world, between 1919 and 1933 and a key institution for the understanding of modernity in european art. However, without impairing its decisive influence, it is debatable one of the merits attributed to this school: the radical novelty of his teaching program. Nearly four years before Gropius draft the founding manifesto of the school in April 1919, was already running another art school in Halle, which later would be named Burg Giebichenstein, which was a clear precedent to the educational objectives of the Bauhaus and its particular way of understanding the teaching of the arts as a collective creation around the architecture.

Palabras clave

Bauhaus; Burg Giebichenstein; Gropius; Thiersch; Crafts


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