Efectos de la alfalfa fresca en la alimentación porcina sobre el crecimiento-cebo y sobre la calidad de la canal. 2.º experimento

Rafael Viñarás García, Esteban Ocio Trueba

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Se ha hecho un experimento de alimentación de cerdos con alfalfa fresca, desde los 25 a los 88 Kg. de p. v., repetición en cochiquera individual de otro anterior (*) efectuado en grupos, hasta 100 Kg. de p. v. Se ha estudiado el crecimiento, la capacidad de consumo de alfalfa fresca, el índice de transformación del alimento, los índices de cualificación y rendimiento de las canales obtenidas, la duración comparativa del cebo y el coste de la alimentación


Once more a pig feeding trial was carried out; the basal part of the ration for the experimental group was green lucerne. Controls were fed a conventional ration. The pigs were in individual pen forming two groups of 6 animals and weighed 25 Kg. at the beginning of the assay. The experiment ended when the pigs reached 88 Kg. live weight. The lucerne intake was relatively high, over 3 Kg/animal and day, without detecting any toxicity because of this high intake. The animals receiving the experimental diet got 88 Kg. liveweight two weeks later than the control one, and feed conversion rate was 13 % higher in those groups. Carcass performance was better in the problem group: leanness, fat back, «eye muscle» area and proportion fatness/leanness at 13th-14tn ribs. Feeding cost was 12 % less in the experimental lot. These results corroborate the findings got in earlier studies.

(*) Comunicación presentada a la XII Reunión Científica de la S.E.E.P., La
Coruña, 1971. Rev. «Pastos», vol. II, núm. 1, 92-104, 1972.

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