Noel Culleton

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Phosphorus is an essential element for plant and animal growth. While productive agriculture is not possible on soils with very low soil P, there is increasing evidence that high soil P can lead to leakage of P from agricultural systems to water bodies. In this paper the guidelines are drawn up for application of P to grazed grassland. The guidelines are aimed at ensuring the optimum yields with minimum P inputs. The P fertiliser strategy is based on three principies. The fírst is to achieve a soil P status that ensures optimum production. For intensive agriculture, the P status required is between 6.1 and 10.0 mg P/l of soil (Morgan's extractant). For more extensive farming systems a soil P of between 3.1 and 6.0 mg P/l is adequate. Once this P status is achieved, the second principie is that phosphorus is used to replace P removed by the farming system. At stocking rates of 2.0-2.5 cows/ha, maintenance dressings for dairying range are from ten to twenty kg P/ha, respectively depending on milk yields. The third principie is that soil P status needs to be checked every three to four years in order to ensure the fertiliser strategy employed is correct

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