Fluido no Newtoniano para chalecos antibalas

G. del Pliego, A. Pérez, L. Rodríguez, P. Sánchez

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Our experiment consists of analyzing a non-Newtonian fluid, testing it at different pressures and thus seeing its peculiar behaviour.
A non-Newtonian fluid is a curious material whose viscosity changes with temperature and the stress applied to it at a given time. As a result, you will never be able to have a defined and constant viscosity value.
That is, if we introduce an object at low speed, we will go through it without difficulty as if it were a liquid, since we do not exert enough pressure for its atoms to rearrange.
In contrast, when a non-Newtonian fluid is struck, the incoming applied force causes it to temporarily behave like a solid.

Palabras clave

Protective; Affordable; Ecological

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