The four towers of the Cuatro Torres Business Area of Madrid

Miguel Martínez Pañeda

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The Cuatro Torres Business Area complex is formed by four tall buildings in which each one them of them gives a di?erent answer to the same problem and the same situation. In this study we look forward to describe and discuss, through a comparative analysis, the di?erent structural solutions used to solve the problem of the construction of a tall building, as well as the conditions to which it responds in the decision-making process.

Despite that the general scheme of each tower it is completely di?erent, we can di?erentiate between the three towers placed on the north of the site -the Espacio Tower, the Cristal Tower and the PwC Tower- and the Bankia Tower, as the ?rst three of them were designed with a central communications core as the main element of the tower, versus the separated communications cores placed at the boundaries with which the Bankia tower was designed.

Palabras clave

Structure; Madrid; Cuatro Torres Business Area; tall buildings; Torre Bankia; Torre PwC; Torre Cristal; Torre Espacio.


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