Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin : ideología y teoría a través de sus textos = Welby Northmore Pugin : Ideology and theory based in his texts

Daniel Dávila Romano


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Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin destacó como un “ideólogo”  de la arquitectura. Sin embargo, la ideología arquitectónica de Pugin se desarrolla por medio de conceptos claros y distintos que ofrecen análisis racionales de su arquitectura   contemporánea. Son estos conceptos, apuntados en Contrasts (1836) y después desarrollados en The true principles of  pointed or Christian architecture (1841), los que se explican en este trabajo mediante la extracción y el comentario de citas del autor y de algunos de sus críticos modernos más destacados. Lo pretendido en este trabajo es un acercamiento textual aunque abreviado a las ideas acerca de cómo creía Pugin que  la arquitectura debía ser.


Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin excelled as “ideologist” of  architecture. However, Pugin’s architectural theory derives from  clear and distinct concepts that offer a rational analysis of the architecture of his time. It is in fact these concepts, which appear in their first traits in Contrasts and then fully developed in The true principles of pointed or Christian architecture: set  forth in two lectures delivered at St. Marie's, Oscott (1841), what this paper has focused on, by means of analysing a series of  selected quotes. They include also several commentaries from some of his more importan critics of the recent times. As far as posible, this paper-document aims to present what we think  Pugin believed that architecture should be.


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