Teaching Building Structures Graphical Methods with GeoGebra

Belén Orta, José E. Martínez-Gaya, Alejandro Calle, Carlos Olmedo

DOI: https://doi.org/10.20868/abe.2022.1.4811

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Graphic methods can be used when teaching Building Structures to solve some problems such as analysis of cables and arches through funiculars tracing; analysis of trusses with the Cremona method; graphically obtaining the lateral earth pressure of the ground on a wall and many other problems. This article presents some tools to solve these problems using GeoGebra, a free interactive mathematical software for education created by Markus Hohenwarter. The usefulness of Geogebra in teaching Building Structures will be presented through specifically created resources. These are new resources with approaches and utilities that commercial software does not have either. For each problem studied, the theory on which it is based is shown, the general description of the parameters used in Geogebra, and the application that has been created. In addition, the learning objectives to be achieved and the results docents will be shown

Palabras clave

Geogebra; Building structures; Funicular; Arches; Trusses; Lateral Soil Pressure


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