Energy Savings and Efficiency at Secondary School Buildings. (ElhZA+ENEDI PROYECT)

A. Picallo-Pérez, J. M. Sala-Lizarraga, C. Escudero-Revilla, A. Lasa-Iglesias, D. Solabarria, J. M. Hidalgo, N. Romero, M. Odriozola, I. Gómez-Arriaran


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This work describes the project submitted to the University-Society-Business 2021 call for proposals whose aim is to integrate the knowledge and university practices in the field of energy in buildings into secondary school students. The aim is to define the energy strategies to be implemented to strengthen the relationship between secondary education and university studies, by means of a "pilot project" at a secondary school, as well as to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) scientific vocations in young people, with particular emphasis on the female gender. The project will carry out an energetic study at a school developed by university research staff and secondary school students. The aim is to motivate and confirm the qualities of people in STEM teaching, to arouse interest and closeness as well as to promote education in the subject of energy efficiency in buildings

Palabras clave

University and secondary school student agents; energy efficiency in buildings; STEM education; girls in technical education


IDAE, Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía. Gobierno de España. Guía Práctica de la Energía. Consumo eficiente y responsable.

Basque Government. Department of Education, Language Policy and Culture. Basic Education Curriculum. Guidance curriculum that completes Annex II of the Decree on Basic Education. 236/2015 (in Spanish)

Government of Spain. Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. SCIENTIFIC WOMEN IN FIGURES 2017. Statistics and indicators of gender (in)equality in scientific training and profession. (In Spanish)

ElHuyar STEM education and STEM careers, a source of inspiration for young people, Elhuyar 2020. STEAM Hezkuntza eta STEM profesioak, gazteak inspiratzeko (in Basque)

Martín-Garín, A., Millán-García, J. A., Hidalgo-Betanzos, J. M., Hernández-Minguillón, R. J., & Baïri, A. (2020). Airtightness Analysis of the Built Heritage–Field Measurements of Nineteenth Century Buildings through Blower Door Tests. Energies, 13(24), 6727

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